FPNN - 9th APC ( Malawi, 2024)

9th Africa Population Conference

Community Voices | Lessons Conversation

Family Planning News Network

FPNN is a network for journalists, experts and influencers who are committed to reporting on the transformative power of family planning and reproductive health. FPNN is driven by the mission to support our network members in the creation and distributing of news about the power of family planning and reproductive health. We are looking for journalists and content creators who want to explore how family planning and reproductive health is a key investment on the path to achieving the SDGs.

Malawi Reporting Trip

The W.H. Gates Sr. Institute and the Family Planning News Network (FPNN) will be taking a group of journalists and content creators to Malawi to report on the transformative power of family planning and reproductive health. The trip will introduce participants to powerful stories, influential people, and new ways of looking at key research and data. FPNN will be visiting local communities, joining leaders at the African Population Conference and learning from regional and global experts.


W.H. Gates Sr. Institute (Johns Hopkins University) and Nthanda Manduwi (Ntha Foundation & FPNN Community Host)

Trip Highlights

Interviews & Networking: Meet experts, fellow journalists, and community leaders to help you take a deeper dive into the stories about the power of reproductive health investments. Interviews can be set up based on interests.
FP/SRHR Story Generation: Attend key briefings on new data, learn about regional SRHR policies, and learn about innovation solutions for the generation of longer form, high-level stories.
Community/Partner Spotlights: Visit programs and develop content that showcases innovation, learnings, and successes within the FP/SRHR communities.

FPNN Debut Highlights - ICFP 2022

Nthanda was entrusted as the first global media scholar to set the tone of the International Conference on Family Planning (#ICFP2022) Live Stage as one of the #FPNN Debut Anchors and Live Community Host.

Nthanda's Other Work

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