Get to know Nthanda

An internationally awarded social entrepreneur, Nthanda is a Digital Creative (Blogger, Published Author, Acclaimed Speaker, Media Icon, and Producer), a Social Scientist (Gender Researcher, Business Development Specialist, and Knowledge Management Expert), and an International Development Professional (Researcher, Evaluation Analyst, and Human Rights & Policy Advocate); among other things.

Patron of Creativity, and Innovation.

Formerly a UN staff member, Nthanda is the founder of the Ntha Foundation and Bien Corporation Africa - companies which specialise in digital and media innovation in Africa and beyond. She presently resides in Lansing, Michigan, and has 10+ years of entrepreneurial (business development and managerial) experience in the field of digital media and communications, with academic/research experience in information management systems, as well as gender & women’s empowerment. Nthanda holds a Master of Science degree in Entrepreneurship, and she has technical expertise in programme & project planning, implementation, coordination, monitoring & evaluation. She is particularly skilled in knowledge management, and she has experience in tax (revenue) collection, filing, & enforcement.




Have a look at Nthanda's most recent work.